
Thirteen Trivia Questions from Sheerluck Holmes

Think you know this DVD? 

Ok!  Here’s Thirteen Trivia questions from Veggie Tales: Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler:

  1. What Pizza Chain do Archibald and Mr. Lunt pretend to open in their quest to beat the Food Factory?
  2. What game do Mr. Lunt and Archibald like to play?
  3. Who is the Sheriff in the town that the story takes place.
  4. What food item does Mr. Lunt think will be a big winner (hint, especially at this time of year)?
  5. What is causing Archibald’s nightmares?
  6. What does Larry kick into the Gated Community?
  7. In what other VeggieTales DVD do we first see the characters that sing inside the Gated Community?
  8. What do Sheerluck and Watson split every time they solve a case?
  9. How many maids does Watson have?
  10. What is it that “hurts like the dickens?”
  11. What Veggie characters play the two “bobbies”?
  12. Who is the villain?
  13. What is it that gives away the villain’s identity?

You can answer them in comments or you can post and link back here– take your pick!

Links to other Thirteeners:

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3 thoughts on “Thirteen Trivia Questions from Sheerluck Holmes

  1. My kids loved Veggie Tales when they were little. (Actually they still watch them on Saturdays sometimes.) I actually put together a Veggie Tales VBS … which was a HUGE hit!! But I’ve never seen Sheerluck Holmes so I can’t answer any of the trivia questions! 🙁 Great fun though!! Hugs!

  2. My kids never got too much into the Veggietales, but I think I may ave to check this one out!

    My 13 is up too!

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