
Thirteen Trivia Questions on Josh and the Big Wall

It’s that time again.  Time to see just how well you know your VeggieTales.  This time we’ll be asking questions from Veggie Tales: Josh and the Big Wall!

  1. The Lesson for this VeggieTales episode is…
  2. Who fills in for Larry on the countertop?
  3. How is the countertop introduction for this story unique?
  4. Who plays the part of Moses for this episode?
  5. When Bob is talking, Joshua (played by Larry) asks who he is, and Bob responds: I’m the …
  6. What Disney film inspired the “We’re going to the promised land” animation?
  7. Who wants to go back to Egypt?
  8. What do Jerry and Jimmy Gourd build to break down the wall?
  9. What is thrown down from the top of the wall onto the Israelites?
  10. Who appears as Commander of the Host of the Lord?
  11. Complete this phrase: What a lousy day to wear my …
  12. During the closing, Bob makes reference to the book of the Bible– which one?
  13. Does Larry ever make it to the countertop?

So, test you knowledge, or better yet, pick up a copy and watch it today!


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