
Thirteen Summer Safety Tips

It’s that time of the year again, when people are outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.  It’s also the time when some specific safety tips could come in handy so you can enjoy the weather and all that goes with it.

We interviewed the nurse from the belly button silly song, and she needs to tell you something: these are the hints she gave us to have a safe summer…

1. Wear sunscreen if outside.  Don’t forget to cover ears, hair parts, the back of the neck, and the tops of feet.  Some of those areas are liable to be forgotten.  Too much sun may cause over-ripening.

2. Refrigeration reminders:  food that contains mayonnaise, eggs, milk, and some other quick to spoil ingredients should be put in the cooler to keep people from getting sick and ruining picnics with the little veggies.

3. Keep water with you at all times.  Dehydration is a serious thing.  So keep some water in the car, and make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids.

4. Yep, it’s the time for bugs as well.  Bees’ and wasps’ stings can be very painful, so keep some benadryl on hand, or some other kind of allergy medicine that can be taken in case of bites, stings, and rashes.

5. If you’re near the water, remember to pay attention to the little veggies around you.  Make sure, if they cannot swim, that they are wearing life jackets. (Not all veggies float naturally.)

6.  Also, don’t leave them at the pool or lake unattended.  Knowing when there will be a lifeguard on duty is also a helpful thing to keep children safe.  Keep in mind to have the little veggies wear appropriate swim attire– watch out for tan lines!

7. Remember, when outside, hats and sunglasses are your friends.  Squinting for long periods of time can make you have a headache.

8. While you don’t want to stay inside watching veggietales all day, you don’t wont to be outside for too many hours and become over heated.  Heat rashes and heat strokes can occur if one is outside for long periods of time.  Especially when in direct sunlight without access to shade.

9. When the temperature gets very high, make sure all pets have an adequate source of water.

10. In hot weather, don’t overeat, it might make veggies (even those who don’t have belly buttons) feel sick or lazy.

11. If it is too hot to go outside, stay in a place where it’s cool, this will prolong shelf-life, and prevent premature rottenness.

12. When camping, take flashlights and first aid supplies.  God is bigger than the boogey man, but flashlights can certainly shed some light on scary subjects.

13. Remember to have fun, but be safe as well.  First aid and cpr classes are also helpful to take!

That’s it from the veggietales nurse!!  (And if there’s something missing in your midriff’s decor, that’s perfectly normal for gourds!!!)

[blenza_autolink tt]

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7 thoughts on “Thirteen Summer Safety Tips

  1. With the beginning of summer comes the blooming of trees, gardens and flowers, which in turn attracts bees and wasps of all kinds. But that is not the end of the worry of a sting. Many stings take place during the fall months. Reason being, bees and wasps are cold blooded insects and they linger around people in order to absorb the body heat of humans, therefore increasing the chances of getting stung.

    Last week, I witnessed a 4 year old girl with her hand and forearm swollen to her elbow, from a wasp sting that she received to her fingertip the day before. The sight of her hand and arm brought tears to my eyes because I knew that if she had had Baker’s Venom Cleanser available when see was stung, none of her discomfort would have elevated to that extreme point of swelling and discomfort.

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  2. Such great tips! I think my headache today could be a result of squinting :(We also like to say that if our kiddo is around water, there should never be running, and she should wear shoes if possible. 

  3. thanks for the reminder about sunscreen! That is so important these days, and I think getting the kids in the early habit of putting it on every day is great.Happy TT and thanks for visiting my first TT!

  4. Excellent tips! When we were out yesterday, putting sunscreen on the baby (again and again) was my new hobby 😉

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