
Thursday Thirteen

As Peter Plum has already mentioned, I’m new at blogging, actually, he’s the one who got me into it….  But here is one of my attempts at blogging about something interesting.  Peter challenged me to the Thursday Thirteen, and June 12th happens to be my birthday; I’ve been trying to think of something to do, so here are 13 things to do on your birthday:

  1. Go to the mall
  2. Avoid the singers on the phone
  3. Eat birthday cake (ice cream is optional, but a good choice)
  4. Realize you’re a year older
  5. Try to get away with anything crazy since it’s the one day you might be allowed to
  6. Stay away from the scale, dishes, and laundry (they can wait, can’t they?)
  7. Spend time with friends and family
  8. Open presents/ gift cards
  9. Sleep in, but not too late, you don’t want to miss your day
  10. Treat yourself to something you wouldn’t ordinarily do or buy
  11. Get your hair, nails, and make up done (if you’re a girl)
  12. Watch your favorite movie
  13. Go to an amusement park, water park, or museum


Well, there are many other things that could be done, but that’s just a small list…  Hope you enjoy your birthday!!


[blenza_autolink tt]


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2 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOULove this list -It’s my birthday next month I hope you have /had a great dayI am going to use this list as my inspiration for minethank you my T13 is up<a href=”http://mylittledrummerboys.blogspot.com/”>My Little Drummer boys</a>

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