
Thirteen Reasons To Get In the VeggieTales Review Contest

What?  You didn’t hear?  VeggieTales Review is having it’s first giveaway, and we’re giving away a copy of the new VeggieTales DVD, Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry to one lucky reader/entrant of VeggieTales Review.

In honor of this event, we would like to present thirteen reasons to get into the Contest:

  1. Fun: Contests create excitement, and there’s nothing like a Plum and a Raspberry giving away a Tomato and a Cucumber.
  2. Free: Yep, all you have to do is comment, subscribe and/or link and you’re entered! (NOTE: You must do this on this post, commenting here does not count!)
  3. VeggieTales: Yes, this is the newest episode, and it’s the first one since the movie back in January.
  4. Store: Nope, you won’t have to go to an online or even physical store to get it—your copy will be free.
  5. Kids: Your kids will love the fun.
  6. Parents: You’ll love the moral lessons.
  7. Helping: This story is all about helping others.
  8. Silly: Yep, there’s a brand new silly song with Larry—I think that Archibald is tagging along somewhere.
  9. Happy: The way you will feel for winning the contest.
  10. Subscription: To keep you up to date on all things veggie, and when you can win more VeggieTales stuff.
  11. Trivia: We’ll be doing some more trivia contests, and by entering and subscribing you’ll have all the information you need to win the next contest.
  12. Please: Because we’d like you to enter!
  13. Friends: Tell all your friends!  The only thing more fun than winning a contest, is winning a contest with a lot of entrants!



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9 thoughts on “Thirteen Reasons To Get In the VeggieTales Review Contest

  1. Ooohhh, I love Veggie Tales, oh ya, and so do my kids!  Thanks for stopping by my TT.  You asked a good question!  I was so very shy that moving so much was very hard for me but when I look back, I guess I could say I was happy to have met the friends that I did.  I guess God was preparing me as my husband and I have moved quite a bit too.  Because I am used to it, I’m not afraid to go wherever God calls me!  But, at the time, I hated it!

  2. Hey all, make sure you click the link above and sign up for the contest. Just leaving a comment here or participating in TT won’t enter you in! There’s a link in the post, right after the list, that tells you how to enter!

  3. Peter, thanks for visiting me. I gotta tell ya I don’t like vegetables. I drink V8 in the morning that’s about all I can stand. If you bread and fry cauliflower and artichoke hearts I like that! 🙂

  4. Peter,

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY you found me!!! We LOVE Veggie Tales in this house (oh, I know I’m not alone, but hey, gotta give ya some love!), and I’m SO entering just every way I can. I commented on the post with the contest first, so don’t worry!!!  I’m already forming MY post in my head!!!  😀  I’m so EXCITED about this idea!  🙂  You. Are. Awesome!!!(Bob’s my favorite!  I think it’s because he’s red—I’m a redhead :-D)

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