
Hosting Your Own Website

Work 1

As you all know, I blog as well as have a day job.  It’s neat, in that I can express myself in words at night—enjoying the creative freedom that comes from that expression—while during the day I can solve complex mental puzzles—like the physics of how a vegetable can move things without hands, and what kind of soda a tomato would drink.

In any case, having a blog means that I have to find webhosting, and fortunately this Plum has contacts.  They helped me find the company I’m with.  Do you know what to look for in a web hosting company?  I can say that I didn’t know all of the things—most of the time people are just focused on price.

Seriously, when looking into web site hosting, you have to consider support and consistency.  You have to look at reputation and how much benefit you get from the company.

Make sure to do your research, because although there are a lot of deals to be had, you want to make sure that you have something that will not leave you without a sight during your peak reading time, and someone that has high reliability.

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