
Thirteen Things about Peter Plum

Thirteen Things about Peter Plum

1. I like VeggieTales.

2.  My favorite VeggieTales is Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson’s Hairbrush.

3. I have almost every VeggieTales episode on DVD.

4. I have only one VeggieTales episode on VHS.

5. I have the Bumblyburg Superhero Pack.

6. I don’t like the Larry Boy theme songs.

7. I like watching Phil Vischer do his voices.

8. Lisa Vischer is amazing as Junior Asparagus– when she did a whole CD as both Junior and his mom it was amazing.

9. The first VeggieTales I saw was Jonah.

10. My first regular length VeggieTales was Little Joe so that I could see the Belly Button Song.

11. The last VeggieTales episode I purchased was Moe and the Big Exit.

12. I’m planning on seeing The Pirates that Don’t Do Anything in the theater.

13. My kids love the Pirates

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9 thoughts on “Thirteen Things about Peter Plum

  1. Wow, that’s alot of veggie love! I love the French Peas. My kids grew up with them and I can hardly wait in introduce our 6 month old grand daughter to them.

  2. Thanks for stopping by.

    Kristee– DVDs are definitely better. You get the bonus features and the commentary. There’s also lots of Easter Eggs as well as family activities. It really does make the whole thing that much more enjoyable (plus no rewinding).

    Lazy Daisy– Jean Claude and Phillipe are great. Pretty funny how they had to have subtitles when they first appeared in Dave and the Giant Pickle.

    Amy– Are you his cheeseburger?

  3. It sounds adorable, but unless my stepdaughter obliges with a grandchild, I’m guessing that the veggies will remain a sealed book to me.

    Love the banner at the top of your page; LOVE it.

  4. We’ve been faithful Veggie viewers since our oldest son was about two (he’s almost 14 now!)

    My younger two (6 and 8) are CRAZY about the Pirates who Don’t do anything. And me, I like the Stuffmart Rap!

    They are better on DVD. I’m actually an ambassador and get all of the DVDs as screeners before they hit the stores.


    Nice T13. Looking forward to reading more!

  5. Hi there, thanks for dropping by my blog!! I was a bit slow, so I didn’t get the comment until today. No, writing 13 things about me wasn’t that hard… this week, anyway. Wonder if I’ll be able to come up with 13 things next week?

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