It’s that time again. Time to see just how well you know your VeggieTales. This time we’ll be asking questions from Veggie Tales: Josh and the Big Wall!
- The Lesson for this VeggieTales episode is…
- Who fills in for Larry on the countertop?
- How is the countertop introduction for this story unique?
- Who plays the part of Moses for this episode?
- When Bob is talking, Joshua (played by Larry) asks who he is, and Bob responds: I’m the …
- What Disney film inspired the “We’re going to the promised land” animation?
- Who wants to go back to Egypt?
- What do Jerry and Jimmy Gourd build to break down the wall?
- What is thrown down from the top of the wall onto the Israelites?
- Who appears as Commander of the Host of the Lord?
- Complete this phrase: What a lousy day to wear my …
- During the closing, Bob makes reference to the book of the Bible– which one?
- Does Larry ever make it to the countertop?
So, test you knowledge, or better yet, pick up a copy and watch it today!
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