
Thirteen Ways to Run a Blog Contest

Are you interested in winning a copy of the new VeggieTales DVD when it comes out July 12th?  Jazz and I are thinking through what kinds of contests we could run, see what you think of our ideas so far:

  1. The Usual: Points for subscribing, points for a post, and random selection.
  2. The Writers:  Submit a guest post for VeggieTales Review, and have a judging.
  3. The Trivia Contest: Create a Trivia Contest and those who get the most points win.
  4. The Thursday Thirteen: Come up with thirteen things to do and use them as entries into the contest.
  5. The Link Love: The winner is the one who sends the most person through their blog to this one.
  6. The Comment War: Those who get the most comments from a person mentioning that they heard about the contest from them wins.
  7. The Photos: Pictures of you with your favorite vegetable—judged by originality and voting.
  8. The Episodes: Come up with a show and tell us who you’d cast as whom (like StarFruit Trek: Next Germination)
  9. The Teammate: Join up with the writers of VeggieTales Review to help write posts about VeggieTales.
  10. The Fruit Name: Come up with a fruit name for your self—judged for originality or by popular vote.
  11. The Raffle: 5 cents a ticket—we’ll draw the winner.
  12. All Time Comments: Randomly choose someone from anyone who has ever left a comment.
  13. The Weeklong Contest:  Release something (like one of these ideas) once a day for points, and the one with the most points at the end of the week wins.

[blenza_autolink tt]

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25 thoughts on “Thirteen Ways to Run a Blog Contest

  1. I like any idea that makes people get creative for a chance to win 🙂

    Happy TT and thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. What good ideas. I am thinking of have my first contest soon to celebrate my 200th post.

    Thanks for dropping by my TT!!!

  3. I like the Trivia Contest idea. And if there is a same amount of points for more then one person, I’d pick a name of the winner out of a hat.
    Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your Thursday!

  4. My son is eight now, and still loves to watch “Veggie Tales, but when he was really little, he watched it all the time. 
    I love Veggie Tales too!

  5. That a cool idea for T13 today.. I don’t know which one I like best they all sound great. Which ever one you pick I think I’ll join in.
    Thanks for stopping by my T13 today..

  6. were we supposed to pick our favorite one? The last giveaway that I hosted was part of a huge blog giveaway carnival.  Since I <3LOVE<3 comments, I asked for thoughtful comments–not just “pick me!” you know?  One person who did sort of an overview of their favorite prizes and giveaways made a notation by my name that said “Hard requirements.” I had wondered why the numbers were down so far from previous giveaways, and apparently people don’t want to really share their opinions, just be entered.  While the numbers were down, I did get some hilarious and some very sweet comments–and it was for any post on my blog.  I made some really cool new friends, and that was really what my objective was.So, whatever you decide sort of depends on your objective for hosting it.  Some people don’t like to link to blogs they are unfamiliar with, and if that is the only way to enter, they just will bypass the chance.  Just my 2 cents (or 20) worth! 🙂  This was a cool idea for a TT, though, and I may have to steal some of the ideas for my next giveaway in July.  Thanks for coming by Miller Manor, you’re welcome to drop in any time.  And for the record?  I’m a fruit! :-)TM

  7. Great list … though I’m not ‘into’ contests of any kind these days. Thanks for dropping by mine at Small Reflections this morning.
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. Lots of good ideas….I think the random draw contests are the only  really fair ones as each person has a different talent and what is chosen may not be in their field…..but changing types of contests does offer different talents a chance too….just a thought! Happy TT!

  9. I did a Haiku contest once and it was fun. With your theme, it could get quite funny. I had three prizes, funniest, best advertisement and random pick. People had to write about their blog and make people want to visit. To be fair, I had two non-bloggers pick the winners.

  10. Hmm… they are all such goodly notion for contests… I can’t pick a fave as such… but #5 has promise! 🙂

  11. Wow…great ideas!  You guys get massive points for creativity and originality.  That said, you’ll probably get the most response if you just do “the usual.” 🙂
    Stop by my TT when you can!

  12. Cool ideas!

    Thanks for visiting my TT at Raven’s Roads. I have another one at Raven’s RV if you’re interested. 🙂

  13. Sorry I’m so late (like a week returning visits!)
    I’ve just been doing the book giveaway, if you want to win this post a comment and tell me ‘insert random question sort of on topic here’ and then randomly choose a winner from the people that did answer the question.
    Happy TT!

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