
God Made You Special…..

How many people actually believe that?  The struggle is common to many: knowing that they are truly unique, that they are special to anyone.  Bob and Larry are good at reminding children that they are special to the Creator of the Universe, and not only are they special, they are loved very much.

Children are not the only ones special to God.  Every person, no matter their age is special to God: He thought of each one before they were ever made. ("Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.  And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them." Psalm 139:16)

The majesty in every creation on this earth, every vegetable, fruit, flower, and animal can be seen by those who choose to look for it.  And when looking at each flake of snow and knowing that each is different, each little detail matters to the One who formed it, how much more can it be displayed that each person is special?

So, you are special, never let anyone tell you otherwise.



                                            And He loves you very much!

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