
NBC and VeggieTales

I’ve been meaning to write for some time on the whole VeggieTales on NBC concept.  It appears as thought NBC is actually doing well with VeggieTales and 3-2-1 Penguins, and have actually backed off on some edits.

This from Phil Vischer about the edits:

But I do know I’m thrilled the last few stories, including Madame Blueberry and King George and the Ducky, will be airing just as we wrote them – without a single edit.  That’s really cool, don’t you think?

Big Idea themselves have found that Penguins are really popular, and they’re out making 20 brand new Penguins episodes for this fall:

After debuting last fall on NBC, the 3-2-1 Penguins! series garnered high ratings capturing the #1 spot on the kid-dominated Saturday morning television time-slot.

As a result, Big Idea’s crack-squad of Penguin-herders led by Tim Hodge (Director, Gideon: Tuba Warrior, LarryBoy and the Bad Apple, Minnesota Cuke, Duke and the Great Pie War, An Easter Carol, Star of Christmas …) is currently in production on 20 new episodes which will begin airing Friday, October 5th on the ION Network, and Saturday, October 6th on NBC and Telemundo.

So, I think it can be a good thing, if not a great thing, as long as they keep their heads and know what they’re selling and where to draw the line.

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