Take a shot at today’s trivia questions from Veggie Tales: Are You My Neighbor?
The form will e-mail me your guesses, I’ll announce the correct answers tomorrow!
Links to other thirteeners:
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Now there’s a Veggie Tales I haven’t seen before.Thanks for stopping by!
I love Veggie Tales! They really amuse me. I haven’t seen this one though.
‘Twas a strange one, that. 🙂
Well, AtomiK– it is one of the “classics”– the second one they made and the only one to feature Star Trek!
angelle — Have you heard the “I Can Be Your Friend” song? That and the hairbrush song are the highlights from this DVD.
Nancy — But you tried! 6/13 if I remember correctly. Thanks for at least trying the quiz!
Ok, I did the quiz, WITHOUT pulling out the video! Let me know how I did!
Wow– that is impressive. Only one wrong. I’ll reply to the e-mail to tell you which one.