
Pa Grape and Used Car Warranties

The second VeggieTales DVD, God Wants Me to Forgive Them!??, introduces us to the Grape family– Pa, Ma, Ruth and Tommy.  They’re the grapes of wrath that never take a bath, and they have quite the car!

One of the spin offs of this car is a book put in Chick-Fil-A meals that talked about Pa Grape’s shapes– trying to figure out what shape tires go on Pa’s Car.

Pa would never have needed to appeal to the 3 and 4 year olds of America if he had only had made sure to get a Used Car Warranty from the dealer! 

You see, the auto insurance on your car protects against an accident, but not against something breaking.  New cars always carry a warranty from the manufacturer, but not so with used cars.

So, if you want protection you’re going to need to look elsewhere.  Or, you could always do like Pa and come up with a book to pass out in Kids Meals!

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