
Thirteen Reasons For Not Posting on Your Blog

We’ve all been there—there have been days, weeks, maybe even months where we haven’t been able to post.  For today’s Thursday Thirteen I offer, Thirteen Reasons For Not Posting on Your Blog.

  1. Your keyboard, mouse, monitor, computer, etc. has broken.
  2. You forgot the password to your blog.
  3. You’ve been busy posting on someone else’s blog.
  4. You forgot your topic.
  5. You’ve been writing comments.
  6. You’ve given birth.
  7. You’ve decided to do more with you’re family.
  8. You’re away on vacation.
  9. You broke your finger, fingers, thumb, hand.
  10. You have become addicted to Twitter.
  11. You’ve started a new blog on your own domain.
  12. You’re tired of blogging.
  13. You no longer have an Internet Connection.

Any of these ever apply to you?  Other reasons for not posting?


[blenza_autolink tt]

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17 thoughts on “Thirteen Reasons For Not Posting on Your Blog

  1. Other reasons for me not to blog?
    1. What’s going on in my life is too depressing to blog
    2.  I’m in a fibromyalgia fog and can’t think straight 3. There are too many cats in front of my computer screen and I can’t see it

  2. number 13 is a sad sad day whenever that happens! sometimes, i get overwhelmed with events and happenings to blog that i dont know where and how to start!

  3. How about, “You’ve been trying to juggle the house, the kids, a job and three bands! Blogging hasn’t even been on the radar!”

    Mine’s about blogging, too!

  4. I think I’ve used all of those except the giving birth one. And who am I kidding, when that day comes, I’ll probably be twittering the process.
    Great TT! Thanks for stopping by mine and for the very kind comment 🙂

  5. Oh, I have used excuse #12 many times! I also use the “I am too lazy” one too.

    I love Veggie Tales!

  6. Yeah, I can relate to a few of those.   Another good one is having company in your house for a week or two.    I’ve had that happen, too, company sometimes for three weeks at a time.   Nice take on TT.
    Thank you for visiting me.

  7. I’m guilty of #10. It’s so much easier to toss up a 140 character thought snippet than to flesh it out into an actual post.
    Thanks for stopping by my corner of the internet. And btw, I use Twitter on my cell all the time. It only feeds the addiction.

  8. I’ll add:

    You’ve got family visiting and they don’t know you’ve got a blog


    My kids keep using my computer for video games

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