
A Little Competition

Some of you may have seen that we have a new author around these parts—I hope that you’ve all had a chance to welcome Jazz Raspberry.  She comes from a long line of extremely fruity raspberry’s—in a Lord of the Beans way.

To inaugurate her contributions to VeggieTales Review, I propose a challenge:

  • The Weapon: Thursday Thirteen
  • The Metric: How many comments received from other Thirteeners
  • The Date: June 5th and 12th

To make it fair, as she’s a new blogger, I’ll go first.  Basically, all we have to do is come up with a Thursday Thirteen post on VeggieTales, submit it to Thursday Thirteen and then visit thirteeners and try to get them back here.

The prize?  We’ll have to agree on it before the 5th…

This may be the start of further competitions, stay tuned.

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