
Big Idea Announces New DVD

Still more uncertain news from Big Idea.  Are any of you subscribed to the VeggieTales Newsletter?  If you were, you’ve probably already see the advertisement, but for those of you that are not, VeggieTales is announcing a new DVD out in May that is called “Lessons from the Sock Drawer: A Collection of Veggie Shorts and Briefs.”  Obviously a play on words, and I know that they believe that the “Briefs” word will get a laugh.

It boasts 15 short features including:

  • Binky the Opera Singer (Larry’s Wonderful World of Auto-tainment)
  • Going Up (Sumo of the Opera)
  • Larry’s Blues (Duke and the Great Pie War)
  • Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly (Snoodle’s Tale)
  • Paco and the Singing Aardvark (NEW!)
  • Omelet (Lyle the Kindly Viking)
  • The Englishman Who Went Up the Hill (King George and the Ducky)
  • Larry’s Lagoon (God Wants me to Forgive Them?!?)
  • Paco and the Chicken (NEW!)
  • Modern Major General (Larry’s Wonderful World of Auto-tainment)
  • Forgive-O-Matic (God Wants me to Forgive Them?!?)
  • Lunch (Larry’s Wonderful World of Auto-tainment)
  • The Story of St. Patrick (Sumo of the Opera)
  • Larry’s High Silk Hat (Lyle the Kindly Viking)

As you can see, there are two short new segment, and most of these being retreads.  I’ll hope to catch these segments on YouTube.


On a grander scheme, this release frightens my vegetable sensibilities.  It’s been a while since the movie came out this winter, we haven’t had the scheduled release (Huckleberry Larry) and now they’re giving us repackaged shorts.  When they did this with Auto-tainment they flat out told us they were low on money and they needed something to make a buck.

That would explain all the silence.


Click on the image below to go to the official sneak peak:

Watch the Trailer!

Khalil makes an appearance!

Oh, if you do decide to get this DVD, be sure to use this coupon!

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2 thoughts on “Big Idea Announces New DVD

  1. Yay, Khalil should be in every episode!!!
    So, I was thinking this morning…
    Edmund lost his pet hamster, which is why Larry goes looking for all these tales in the first place.  But I was thinking…  hamsters eat vegetables.
    I hope he’s not loose in the VeggieTales studio!

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