
Seize the Day

I’ve told you before that most New Year’s resolutions end by January 12th, so that if you’ve made it this far and you haven’t given up, you’re doing well!

That means that you’re well on the way to turning your resolution to a habit. If you can make your resolution into a habit, not only will it become more effortless to remember to do it, but you’ll actually see more gains, as you will not be struggling as much to get things done.

While we know that there are many advantages to getting ourselves in perfect plum, pear, or peach shape, an article I was reading recently reminded me about something even more important– getting into Spiritual Shape.

For Christians, getting our souls within consistent earshot of God’s voice in his word is as basic as sleeping and eating and even breathing. Our fully human Savior himself said, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). If Jesus needed his Father’s revealed words for daily human living, how much more his fallen brothers?

Seize The Morning – New Habits for a New Year

It’s not as important that you do it in the morning, although that’s the time that I find that I can be most consistent and that is when it gets in my mind for the rest of the day, as it is that you are in it.

The Plum family has been using the Foundation 260 program– or F-260 from Replicate. This plan has you read the Bible 5 days a week (weekends you can catch up!) and you only read one chapter a day and you’ll cover the entire New Testament in a year. Or they have one that covers all the major themes throughout the entire Bible, but the point is that they get you into the Word. You can download the plan for free, or get a devotional that will help you along with it.

In any case, if you aren’t already doing this, make this the habit that you start this year and keep your entire life!

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Peter Plum

Here's one fruit that isn't afraid to be called a fruit in among the VeggieTales! Peter and his wife Penny Peach write about VeggieTales episodes as only they can, a fellow fruit, er... vegetable.

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