
Pet Meme by Meg

petmeme The Pet Meme

  1. What is the first pet your remember?  I had a goldfish when I was in Kindergarten.
  2. How many different kinds of pets have you owned?  Have I really owned a pet?  I mean, being a fruit, you have to be careful with some pets or you may get eaten.  Collectively, my family has had cats, turtles, fish, caterpillars, frogs, salamanders, and a dog (briefly).
  3. What was your strangest pet? Probably has to be the salamander.  Died while me and my family was overseas.
  4. What is your dream pet?  None. :)  Do kids count?  I like kids better than pets.
  5. What is your nightmare pet?  Fruit Fly.  Being a fruit, I think you can understand.
  6. Your Best/funniest pet story.  It was my grandmother that let the salamander die while we were overseas.  When we returned, and my mom told my brother that the salamander was dead, my grandmother pinched my mom—and my brother saw it.  For days he went around saying, “Grandma pinched mommy because she let the salamander die.”  How dare she.
  7. Tell your worst/saddest pet story.  We had kittens once, and my grandfather had drove up to the house (these were outside kittens) and while they were visiting, the kittens climbed up in the wheel wells of the car.  Needless to say, when the left, they didn’t get far and it was a sad day.
  8. Did you ever have a scary animal experience?  When I was young, and friend of mine and I ran down some steps to a house that had a guard dog.  The dog chased us and bit my ankle.  I’ve never liked large dogs since.
  9. What was your favorite pet?  None.
  10. What did you really want to tell us about pets that didn’t fit in the other questions?  Kids are better than pets.

I have to tag 4 people:

  1. Mary
  2. Anna Grace
  3. Rachel
  4. Jennifer S

The rules. Don’t worry.  They’re easy.

  1. Copy the questions to your blog.  Answer them.  This is the fun part.
  2. Feel free to grab the adorable button.  If you don’t see it, it’s here: Pet Meme button
  3. Tag as many people as the legs on your leggiest pet.  Probably 4, but if a fish or snake was your only pet then you’re off the hook.  If you ever had a centipede, you have my sympathy.
  4. Copy the rules to your blog.  You’re done.  Wasn’t that fun?
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