
Surviving a Slowing Economy

Blue Screen

As many of you know, I lost my job at Mr. Nezzar’s Widget shop in November.  It was a mixed blessing.  I had been there for 10 years, and I had made lots of friends and knew my way around.  I figured I was pretty safe, and it took me by surprise.

But I have a big God, and He can do mighty things.  He took me to a new place, gave me a job writing scripts for a new company, and He has a new plan for my life.

That being said, there are definitely ways that businesses can survive a slowing economy, with and without getting a Merchant Cash Advance.

The important things to remember, for the believer, is that God is in control of all things, and nothing takes Him by surprise.

Look around for different opportunities that surround you.  Make sure you have an appropriate Emergency Fund.  Cut back on your expenses.

Do these types of things and whether you’re a business or a regular worker you’ll be able to survive, and maybe even thrive, in a slowing economy.

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